Short-term rentals have exploded in popularity during Covid. Many investors see short-term rentals as a way to ...
Without a vaccine to contain the Coronavirus, we are seeing its impact on local and global economies. Major sporting events have been cancelled ...
That Brexit has enormous consequences for European-British trade relations and the free movement of goods and persons needs no further elucidation. The United Kingdoms exit from the...
Background Regulatory Framework
The area of Cryptocurrencies has seen a tremendous growth during the last few ...
Entrepreneurs, as payers of contributions to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), as well as insured persons, ...
Due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreak, employers have been required to take many additional measures to maintain workplace health and safety to minimise the risk of workers being exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection...
A client recently posed a question regarding insolvency. The client had a single member LLC with a significant amount of debt and significant personal assets. Their business was going...
A recurring question in the commercial business (B2B) is which general terms and conditions apply. An important legal question. Often both...
Decree 42/2021 regulated the Solidarity and Extraordinary Contribution ("Tax on Large Assets")
On January 29, 2021 Decree 42/2021 (the "Decree") was published in the Official Gazette. The Decree regulates the Solidarity ...
In his tax plan, President-elect Biden proposes reversing the Trump-era tax cuts that were passed under the 2017 ...
On August 14, 2020, the “Legal Regime of the Remote Working Contract”, Law 27,555, was signed into law by President Alberto Fernandez. The new law...
There are two dozen frequently used asset protection structures and countless iterations of these structures. Even ...